Tuesday, March 23, 2010

glub glub glub!

If I thought last week was busy - it's only Tuesday and I feel like I've had a couple of nervous breakdowns!

I have SIX major assignments due in the next two and a half weeks. I am working on them all - in fact, I just completed one tonight, so we're down to FIVE! YES! I feel pretty good about them all, and I just need to keep working really hard on them all to stay afloat. However, this leaves very little time to do anything other than schoolwork. I definitely feel like I'm up to my eyebrows. I haven't had anytime to read any of the inspiring blogs I love so much, even.


I'll just have to steal moments here and there to post when I can.

Nerding out HARD


  1. Oooh, can I come. Wait, I have a feeling I live too far away... Please know that in a few years, you'll be teaching and look back (perhaps fondly?) on these trying times. It's all going to be worth it... trust me.
